Imagine Russian football fans in a foreign city:
- Interrupted a minute’s silence in memory of dead flood victims
with chants in support of killing Ukrainian children
- Rampaged through the city
- Ripped down Ukrainian flags
- Chanted “death to Ukrainians”
- Attacked local residents
Imagine then, when local residents attacked them,
they were presented as victims of a racist pogrom.
Owen Jones - @owenjonesjourno, 7:11 p. m. · 8 nov. 2024
- Interrupted a minute’s silence in memory of dead flood victims
with chants in support of killing Ukrainian children
- Rampaged through the city
- Ripped down Ukrainian flags
- Chanted “death to Ukrainians”
- Attacked local residents
Imagine then, when local residents attacked them,
they were presented as victims of a racist pogrom.
Owen Jones - @owenjonesjourno, 7:11 p. m. · 8 nov. 2024
Nous sommes venus et avons fait des Arabes autochtones des réfugiés tragiques.
Et nous osons encore les calomnier et les dénigrer, salir leur nom. Au lieu d’avoir
profondément honte de ce que nous avons fait et d’essayer de réparer une partie du mal
que nous avons commis… nous justifions nos actes terribles et tentons même de les glorifier.
(Nathan Chofshi, Jewish Newsletter, New York, 9.02.1959)
Philip Proudfoot - @PhilipProudfoot,
9:21 p. m. · 8 nov. 2024
9:21 p. m. · 8 nov. 2024
Selon Le Petit Robert de la langue française, un pogrom est « une agression oppressive et meurtrière d'un groupe de personnes contre les Juifs d'un ghetto, tolérée ou soutenue par le pouvoir. »
Eh bien, nous allons montrer comment fonctionne la hasbara à travers un exemple concluant : comment les média grand public et tous les porte-parole de l'empire en place en Occident (politiciens, experts et autres chiens de garde : nos différents pouvoirs visibles —faudra voir quelle sera prochainement l'activité du pouvoir judiciaire aux Pays Bas à ce sujet) serrent les rangs pour produire une info-paradoxe, une intox, transformant la brutalité de légions nazisionistes militarisées —accompagnées par le Mossad et tolérées par la police locale— en pogrom, autrement dit, en « agression contre les Juifs en tant que Juifs tolérée par le pouvoir », dans les rues et places d'une ville européenne, Amsterdam.
En effet, vous allez voir comment la police néerlandaise, qui est d’ordinaire, comme toutes les rousses européennes, musclée et sans façons vis-à-vis de n’importe quel groupe de hooligans (surveillés, encadrés, fichés même sans violences), voire de manifestants pacifiques contre le régime, chôme visiblement et exceptionnellement alors qu’elle voit, visiblement, les turpitudes que perpètrent, dans les rues et places d’Amsterdam, des émeutiers kahanistes-sionistes en exil temporaire pour cause de foot. Ou si elle intervient, d’après beaucoup d'images et témoignages, c’est pour accuser ceux qui se sont fait attaquer de manière flagrante par les agitateurs en question et pour leur intimer à quitter les lieux. Pire encore, pour arrêter même ceux qui se sont fait attaquer. Répression choisie qui a, à son tour, des conséquences :
Riots in Amsterdam, Tram on fire. People are angry after the Dutch police started arresting people that were attacked from the Israeli hooligans couple of days ago. (Megatron)Il est pertinent de rappeler que déjà le lundi 4 novembre, le groupe d’action international Week4Palestine avait demandé à la maire d’Amsterdam, Femke Halsema, d’interdire le match à venir au motif que parmi ces fils du Lehi de supporters du Maccabi se trouvent des réservistes, soldats et anciens soldats de l’armée israélienne « qui sont entraînés à la violence (extrême) ».
On dirait également que, vu leurs réactions après coup (monté), le roi des Pays-Bas Willem-Alexander [Nous avons failli envers les Juifs lors de ces attaques une nuit de football comme nous avions failli sous les Nazis] et les autorités néerlandaises ne sont pas payés par les contribuables néerlandais mais par une internationale sioniste/mâle-alphiste. Au lieu de protéger leur population des agressions très violentes d’un gang de fachos étrangers, qui perturbent gravement la vie de la ville sur laquelle il se rue, ces fantoches de dignitaires se joignent au lobby mondial du sionisme pour calomnier leurs propres citoyens, la population d’Amsterdam agressée, et la taxer d’antisémite. Comme le formulait Owen Jones le vendredi 8.11.2024 :
Imaginez des supporters de football russes dans une ville étrangère :Rappel : le match Ajax-Maccabi avait eu lieu le jeudi 7.11.2024, de 20h00 à 22h00 UTC environ (en Espagne, de 21h00 à 23h00), les kahanistes du Maccabi avaient passé les nuits de mardi et mercredi à marauder dans le centre-ville en scandant des slogans dépravés (racistes et génocidaires arabophobes-“May Your Village Burn”, et de violeurs par-dessus le marché), en escaladant deux façades pour arracher et brûler des drapeaux palestiniens de fenêtres élevées d'immeubles d’appartements, en agressant un chauffeur de taxi marocain, et puis, la soirée du match, ils avaient interrompu une minute de silence pour les victimes des inondations en Espagne avec des cris genre il n'y a pas d'écoles à Gaza car il n'y a plus d'enfants (1), avaient attaqué la police néerlandaise, lancé des pierres sur des maisons privées, tabassé des passants et poursuivis leurs victimes avec des tuyaux en métal (2). Et la BBC de publier —le 8.11.2024 :
- Interrompant une minute de silence en mémoire des victimes des inondations en Espagne par des chants en faveur du massacre des enfants ukrainiens
- Saccageant la ville
- Arrachant des drapeaux ukrainiens
- Scandant « Mort aux Ukrainiens »
- Attaquant des résidents locaux
Imaginez alors que lorsque les résidents locaux les attaquent, ces hooligans soient présentés par les média mainstream et les politiciens comme des victimes d’un pogrom raciste.
Amsterdam attacks were like Nazi pogroms – Mayor Femke Halsema. / German leaders felt the Amsterdam riots keenly. Chancellor Olaf Scholz said they were "unbearable": Jews had to be able to feel safe in Europe, he said. / Dutch King Willem-Alexander said the same - that Jews had to feel safe at all times: "We put our arms around them and will not let them go." And France's Emmanuel Macron said the attacks were a reminder of the "most shameful hours in history".
En français : « Les attentats d'Amsterdam ont été comme des pogroms nazis, selon la maire Femke Halsema. Les dirigeants allemands ont ressenti les émeutes d'Amsterdam avec acuité. Le chancelier Olaf Scholz a déclaré qu'elles étaient « insupportables » : les Juifs doivent pouvoir se sentir en sécurité en Europe, a-t-il déclaré. Le roi des Pays-Bas Willem-Alexander a déclaré la même chose : les Juifs doivent se sentir en sécurité à tout moment : « Nous les entourons de nos bras et ne les laisserons pas partir. » Et le président français Emmanuel Macron a déclaré que les attentats rappelaient les « heures les plus honteuses de l'histoire ».Le jour même, plus de 100 employés de la BBC l'ont vertement critiquée pour son manque de « journalisme fondé sur des preuves précises » ; ils ont envoyé une lettre au directeur général de la chaîne, Tim Davie, et à la directrice générale Deborah Turness, dénonçant une bagatelle : « Les principes journalistiques de base ont fait défaut lorsqu'il s'agit de demander des comptes à Israël pour ses actions. »
Or, ce 8.11.2024, Owen Jones mettait également en ligne une vidéo autrement éloquente :
[Des voyous racistes du football israélien se déchaînent à Amsterdam —et les média et les politichiens mentent comme des arracheurs de vie]
Jones fit du très bon boulot, et très en vitesse. Dans son documentaire d'urgence, il citait Mairav Zonszein, analyste israélien à l'International Crisis Group, qui avait déjà tranché, scandalisé :
“Comparing what is happening in Amsterdam to the Holocaust, to pogroms in Russia… is absurd, offensive, and a cynical weaponization of anti-Semitism that undermines Jewish safety everywhere —all things that will become further normalized in a second Trump-Netanyahu period.” (6:29 AM - Nov 8, 2024)...ainsi que le député israélien de gauche Ofer Cassif, qui avait posté ce message en hébreu :
« L’esprit du fascisme israélien a atteint Amsterdam : les supporters se déchaînent violemment, frappent, déchirent les drapeaux palestiniens dans les rues, comme s’ils étaient une force d’occupation, et crient des slogans nazis en faveur de l’extermination d’une nation, et se plaignent lorsque la situation dégénère en chaos complet et que la violence leur revient comme un boomerang.Remarque personnelle, profitons de cette citation pour dire que Cassif dénonçait, ce même 8.11.2024, la même censure falsificatrice et fasciste en Israël chez la Chaîne 12 que, parmi nous, par exemple, chez Sky News [sa journaliste Alice Porter avait transmis une chronique probe sur le terrain qui serait supprimée et remplacée illico par une autre bien différente. Porter eut à avaler des crapauds et des couleuvres et à fournir sa voix au nouveau canular] :
Toute violence est obscène, inacceptable. Les deux camps doivent être tenus responsables du hooliganisme.
Et les médias israéliens ? Comme d’habitude : ils approchent, cachent et déforment la réalité au service des autorités. »
Ofer Cassif : « Le harcèlement fasciste ne cesse pas. Non seulement certains supporters racistes du Maccabi (pas tous, bien sûr) ont attaqué des Arabes, déchiré des drapeaux et scandé des slogans nazis, mais la machine à poison Bibi a également menacé la chaîne 12 de ne pas révéler cela. Et la chaîne a capitulé et a supprimé la publication de la vérité. Harcèlement d'un côté, lâcheté de l'autre. »Voilà donc deux cas de figure où une information correcte est corrigée sur-le-champ par deux chaînes de désinformation et intox en continu pour adhérer à leurs principes d'impartialité habituels. À vraiment gerber en bonne et due forme.
Pour sa reconstruction des faits, Jones avait déjà vu la vidéo du 8.11.2024 de Bender, jeune ado reporteur indépendant qui tente de mélanger humour et critique dans ses chroniques. Nos courriéristes adultes devraient en apprendre quelque chose...
Bender, 8.11.2024.
Un journaliste qui réagit aussi avec une promptitude et une précision notables aux événements d'Amsterdam et aux intoxications concomitantes (en plus des précédentes, voir The Times of Israel, ESPN, Reuters, Haaretz, The Washington Post, Geert W*lders, Ursula von der Leyen, N*tanyahu, l'ambassadrice Deborah Lipstadt, Naft*li Ben*ett... ou des ventilateurs de merde moins connus comme Eyal Y*koby. Étonnamment, ce n'était pas le cas du Daily Mail), ce fut Megatron, qui proposa sur son compte X un fil à ne pas rater pour bien comprendre. Et qui rendit le lendemain un bel hommage bien mérité aux partisans du Celtic de Glasgow, qui n'oublient jamais quels sont les vrais enjeux.
Un politicien français eut aussi de très bons réflexes : David Guiraud (@GuiraudInd). Il publia le 8.11.2024, à 15h26, le message suivant sur X :
À Amsterdam, des hooligans israéliens délinquants sont venus siffler un hommage aux morts de Valence sous prétexte que « les espagnols sont antisémites » du fait de la position géopolitique de l’Etat espagnol. Ces même délinquants ont décroché la veille d’un match des drapeaux palestiniens dans la ville. Ils ont attaqué des arabes dans la rue, ils ont appelé en public à tuer des arabes…. Et ils se sont fait en retour frapper par des habitants et par des supporters. À quoi d’autre fallait-il s’attendre ?Le 11.11.2024, le site de Norman Finkelstein publia un long article de l'analyste néerlandais-palestinien Mouin Rabbani, 10 November: Thugs and Hooligans, que je vous conseille de lire dans intégralité. C'est une analyse capable en plus de décrypter les événements d'Amsterdam en clé intérieure néerlandaise.
La violence est insupportable et sûrement certaines des personnes attaquées n’avaient rien fait dans ce contexte et elles méritent à ce titre soutien et réparation. Ce qui est tout aussi insupportable, ce sont les médias et les responsables politiques qui reprennent l’idée que ce groupe de hooligans criminels israéliens auraient été attaqués « parce que juifs ». Non, ces hooligans n’ont pas été attaqués pour ce qu’ils sont, mais pour ce qu’ils ont fait, c’est à dire terroriser une ville dans l’impunité la plus totale en scandant des chants génocidaires et pro-Netanyahou. Et ce qui est antisémite et profondément malsain, c’est utiliser la religion de personnes issues d’un groupe de hooligans composé de criminels comme unique grille de lecture des événements et de l’utiliser pour faire oublier leurs crimes.
Depuis plus d’un an, le monde est témoin des atrocités commises par l’État israélien. Comment est-il possible de lire les évènements d’hier en oubliant volontairement ce contexte inédit ? Peut-on encore penser qu’il est normal et responsable d’accueillir les bras ouverts des équipes dont les supporters crient, dans la rue et dans les stades, qu’ils soutiennent un génocide ? Comment penser - sans être complice du génocide - que cela ne causera aucun trouble ?
Rabbani s'expliqua aussi sur Democracy Now! : Mouin Rabbani on What Really Happened in Amsterdam Between Israeli Soccer Fans & Local Residents, 11.11.2024. Petit extrait traduit en français :
La différence essentielle, bien sûr, entre la Nuit de Cristal de novembre 1938 et ce que nous avons vu à Amsterdam le 7 novembre, c’est que les propriétés qui ont été repérées pour être assaillies et attaquées ont été ciblées parce qu’elles affichaient, par exemple, des drapeaux palestiniens, et non des ménorahs. C’est donc une différence essentielle.Comme la violence, le génocide et le contrôle du récit parmi nous sont l’apanage des États-Unis, Israël et l’OTAN, on a le droit de se demander, attendu les deux ingrédients hautement symboliques réunis dans cette affaire, à savoir, a) Amsterdam, la ville d’Anna Frank, b) la commémoration de l’atroce Kristallnacht, qui eut lieu la nuit du 9 au 10 novembre 1938, et puis le fait que les Pays Bas sont le siège de la Cour Pénale Internationale de La Haye, si ce ne sont pas directement N*tanyahou et le Mossad —qui « accompagnait » les supporters du Maccabi, et pas précisément pour les contrôler— qui ont programmé ce « pogrom » absolument entre guillemets. Il ne faut surtout pas oublier qu’Israël n'est pas un pays : c'est une caserne coloniale qui ne respire qu’à la guerre et dont la tradition de coups montés est inséparable de ses desseins, touffue et bien avérée.
Et, vous savez, tous ces discours sur le fait que ces personnes ont été ciblées parce qu’elles étaient juives, plutôt que parce qu’elles étaient des supporters de football, ou présumées supporters, de cette bande raciste et génocidaire de hooligans de football, ne visent en réalité qu’à nous convaincre une fois de plus que les véritables victimes ici ne sont pas les enfants massacrés dans la bande de Gaza, mais ceux qui participent au massacre et ceux qui perpètrent le génocide.
Et ce qui se passe maintenant, c’est que le gouvernement néerlandais, la municipalité d’Amsterdam, la police d’Amsterdam ont pris des mesures d’urgence interdisant toute manifestation en opposition au génocide et, comme vous l’avez mentionné, ont commencé à arrêter des dizaines de personnes qui ont violé cette interdiction de se rassembler pacifiquement pour protester contre ce qui se passe à Gaza.
Il y a bien sûr un contexte plus large ici, qui est l’échec, le refus des autorités internationales du football, connues sous les noms de FIFA et UEFA, de prendre des mesures contre Israël, la Fédération israélienne de football, les clubs de football israéliens, en contraste frappant avec leur imposition immédiate de mesures globales contre la Fédération de Russie et les équipes russes littéralement quelques jours après l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine.
À cet égard, je reproduis un bon fragment des déclarations du PM israélien, morceau de premier choix pour un cours d'analyse du discours effrontément cynique et tordu. Prenez le plaisir, à la lumière des faits, d'éplucher cette récupération verbale, par inversion, d'un coup monté, dégustez la manière dont un faiseur jongle avec un raisonnement fallacieux —du genre sophisme— et des buts dépravés ; lisez-le, car c'est gratiné, notamment quand on sait que, de nos jours, la Kristallnacht, c'est à Gaza qu'elle sévit, jour et nuit, depuis des décennies, mais d'une manière spécialement atroce depuis 404 jours :
Israel National News: “A clear line connects the two antisemitic attacks against Israel that we have seen recently on Dutch soil: The reprehensible legal assault against the State of Israel at the International Court in The Hague, and the violent assault against Israeli citizens on the streets of Amsterdam. In both cases, there was dangerous antisemitism, the goal of which was to render helpless the Jews and their state, to deny our state the right of self-defense and to deny our citizens their very right to life.
Yesterday we marked the Kristallnacht that happened 86 years ago on European soil. It was a brutal and violent attack against Jews just because they were Jews. Unfortunately, in the last few days, we saw pictures that recall that night. In the streets of Amsterdam, antisemitic rioters attacked Jews, Israeli citizens, just because they were Jews. But there’s one big difference between that night and our time: Today we have a state, government, and army of our own. We have the ability, the readiness and the determination to defend ourselves and to demand that others carry out their responsibilities. This is exactly what we have done."
Netanyahu recounted: "Immediately following the reprehensible assault, I called the Dutch Prime Minister. He told me that he was ashamed, that is what he said, 'ashamed', that such an ugly antisemitic attack had occurred in his country. I demanded that he deal with the rioters to the fullest extent of the law and also protect the Dutch Jewish community. Foreign Affairs Minister Gideon Saar and Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, who went to the Netherlands, did likewise.
"On my directive, Transportation Minister Miri Regev dispatched planes that brought back all the Israelis who wished to return to Israel, over 2,000. I directed the security services to prepare special instructions for Israelis abroad in light of the new situation that has been created since the war."
The Prime Minister declared: "Attacks of this kind threaten not only Israel but endanger the entire world. We have learned something from history: Wild attacks that start against Jews, never end with the Jews. In the end, they spread to all of society, and pass from country to country until they burn all of humanity. Therefore, I expect and demand that every responsible government take strong, vigorous, clear, and urgent action.” (...)
Voici une vidéo de 15 minutes élaborée par Richard Sanders et son équipe de Double Down News et mise en ligne le 14.11.2024. Ils ont reconstruit avec calme, perspective, ordre, talent et beaucoup de pièces probantes, un excellent réchauffé qui permet de comprendre à tout un chacun en quoi consiste notre « information » quotidienne, notre intox ordinaire, particulièrement en cette matière Palestine-Israël. Vous allez voir à quel point des gens que nous payons pour informer ou travailler pour la paix conspirent contra la vérité, contre les Palestiniens, contre les Arabes et, finalement, bien sûr, contre nous tous —tabassés, mentis et forcés à financer des génocides sans arrêt.
What REALLY Happened in Amsterdam (15' 03''),
par Richard Sanders et Double Down News, 14.11.2024
Le reportage de Sanders permet de reconstruire assez bien la chronologie de cette diffamation propagandiste à outrance, de cette protection de troupes de hooligans racistes et islamophobes, le tout dans le but de rentrer dans tous les JT une contre-histoire au chausse-actu, la fumisterie des Freikorps kahanistes martyrisés, à l'heure où l'on dévaste pour de bon, il faut insister là-dessus, Gaza, la Cisjordanie et le Liban.
Car c'est un cas d'école à bien analyser, à bien en apprendre pour l'avenir.
DÉCORTICAGE (avec des liens ou d'autres éléments de mon cru pour compléter et mieux comprendre) :
Richard Sanders (TV Producer, Journalist & Author): So, the violence around the Maccabi Tel Aviv-Ajax Amsterdam game has been sort of universally portrayed around the world as being an antisemitic program. In fact, what it is is an absolutely case study, a text study in disinformation.
Now, let's make our focus here a very specific bit of footage. If you watch certainly the initial reports from the BBC, The Guardian, CNN, and other outlets: they all rely very heavily on a specific a bit of footage of individuals in the street being attacked by a mob of hooded men…
Richard Sanders: This was continuously used to illustrate the violence that Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters had suffered. The Times of India used @Iannetnl's footage and even went so far as to refer to it as is Israeli Nationals abducted in Hamas style attack.
Richard Sanders: Now, that footage was shot by a local citizen journalist, called Annet de Graaf, who I've spoken to quite a bit over the last few days.
Her footage does not show Israeli fans being attacked at all; in fact, it shows the precise opposite: the mobs of hooded figures we see in that footage are Maccabi Tel Aviv fans. If you look very carefully at Annet's footage, you can see that a number of individuals are wearing blue and yellow, which are the Maccabi colours. The people they are attacking are individual Dutch citizens, and that goes online, actually says no hang on hang on, the footage doesn't show that: it shows the exact opposite.
Richard Sanders: She is ignored, she starts having to interact with various news agencies, pleading with them, to change the way they are using her own footage. Firstly Reuters, terribly important, because Reuters provides footage to other news organizations around the world. With the footage, what Reuters distributes as a thing called a dope sheet. This is a basic explanation to their clients of what they're looking at, what this footage is. Now, Annette spoke to Reuters at enormous length, very early in the morning, on the Friday, the day after the violence, and explained to them, gave them chapter and verse, told them exactly what this was. The following evening, they rang back, they clearly went terribly satisfied with this, and quizzed her again, and she was absolutely emphatic, the people committing the violence here are Maccabi Tel Aviv fans.
[iAnnet publia un nouveau post sur X :
Richard Sanders: Now, I've obtained a copy of the Reuter's dope sheet for this one; it begins:
Their opening line, despite what Annet has told them, continues to frame it with the Maccabi fans as being the victims here. It then does address what Annet had told them:
Now, that is quite extraordinary, she's not an eyewitness at the scene, she is the originator of the material, and she's not guessing, she had been following this mob of hooligans for quarter of an hour, she knows damn well, who they are. So, what they've done here is an absolute classic bit of obfuscation, they've got a bit of footage, that they're distributing to the world's media, which shows Israeli football hooligans attacking Dutch citizens, and they are presenting it to the world's media as “hey, who knows, it could be this, it could be that…”
Even more astonishing example of this totally dishonest obfuscation is Sky News. Annet does a live interview on Sky News, on the Friday evening. She tells me she was absolutely crystal clear about it; she made it very clear to them: what they were looking at was hooliganism by Israeli football fans. The next morning, something very interesting happens: a woman called Alice Porter, a reporter for Sky News, produces a very unusual report; it absolutely stands out from all the other reporting, not because it's an exceptional bit of journalism, it's a bog-standard bit of journalism, it's an accurate description of what had happened in Amsterdam, and within hours it was taken down, and Sky re-edited it and put it up again with a note saying the previous version “did not meet their standards for balance and impartiality” [6:42 PM – Nov 9, 2024]. And the most striking bit is they continue to use Annet's footage. In her original piece, Alice Porter had said:
Important context here, of course, is that the Sky News presenter Belle Donati…
Annet wrote to Reuters, but they declined to change the wording on the dope sheet. Anette wrote to Sky, including an email to the reporter Alice Porter, and they didn't even respond to her.
This misrepresentation of Annet's footage is all the more startling, because there was a second journalist, in the same place, at the same time, who puts the main news organizations to shame. It's a young Dutch boy. He has even more extensive footage than Annet. You can quite clearly see in his footage that these are Maccabi supporters, they have the colours on. You see them arming themselves, you see them rampaging through the streets and then, you actually see them threatening him and telling him to stop filming:
It's striking that the only two people who actually did their job were Annet de Graaf, a citizen journalist, and a teenage Dutch boy and then, of course, poor Alice Porter for Sky, who immediately paid a price for her honesty.
Maccabi Tel Aviv's supporters have a reputation for racism and political violence. In the past, Maccabi Tel Aviv fans have “attacked anti-Netanyahu protesters with batons and broken bottles”.
In March this year they were filmed beating an Arab man unconscious on the streets of Athens and, on the rare occasions in the past where Maccabi Tel Aviv has signed Arab players, their supporters have actually booed their own players.
During the game, there is a minute’s silence for the victims of the flooding in Spain. Spain is unpopular in Israel because it's perceived as being sympathetic to the Palestinians and so, they sort of boo and whistle and jeer through the minute’s silence.
Then, after the game, there are clashes between Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters and local Dutch people in the streets of Amsterdam. If you actually look at it carefully, and look at the footage, and read the reports carefully, I have to say as someone who attended English football matches throughout the 1980s, if this was Spurs Arsenal in 1985, this would have been about two column inches on the inside pages of the Evening Standard, I mean, this really wasn't extensive violence, but yet immediately! this is headline news around the world, The Guardian, the BBC, CBS Morning and others actually start a live news feed about it. [Ils titrent tous emportés par le même psittacisme : Israeli football fans attacked in Amsterdam / Des supporters de football israéliens agressés à Amsterdam]
In the early reporting, certainly, no context is provided at all, it's simply presented as mobs of antisemites attacking Israeli football fans.
There are even ludicrous comparisons of it with Kristallnacht :
Stories like this are profoundly discrediting the political and media class. You have to be very careful. The new Labour government, here, in Britain, and governments in other places are talking about cracking down on the internet, and cracking down on what they call disinformation. There is disinformation on the internet, but you have to be very careful that what they're actually worried about is accurate information that they don't want to be out there.
Now, in the game itself, Maccabi Tel Aviv lost 5-0,
There has never been an example of disinformation quite as crude and as see-through as this one, and once again it shows more than ever the need for independent media, the need for outlets like Double Down News…
(1) Leurs castagnes, sévices, chants et slogans prouvent le côté prédicateur, glorificateur et génocidaire de l’hégémonisme kahaniste-sioniste cette fois en terre de goyim, païenne et non-conquise, et la réaction de certains indigènes à ces outrances intolérables prouve le manque d’attirance, voire la répulsion, que suscite cet hégémonisme barbare chez des gens disposant encore d'un peu de libre arbitre, Yahvé merci.
Richard Sanders (TV Producer, Journalist & Author): So, the violence around the Maccabi Tel Aviv-Ajax Amsterdam game has been sort of universally portrayed around the world as being an antisemitic program. In fact, what it is is an absolutely case study, a text study in disinformation.
Now, let's make our focus here a very specific bit of footage. If you watch certainly the initial reports from the BBC, The Guardian, CNN, and other outlets: they all rely very heavily on a specific a bit of footage of individuals in the street being attacked by a mob of hooded men…
CBS Saturday Morning:
“Crowds of people assaulted Israeli fans after Thursday night's match.”
CBS Saturday Morning:
“Israel said that Israeli supporters were attacked in a very violent incident as they left the ground.”
“Vicious attacks upon people purely because they're Israelis and Jews.”
Richard Sanders: This was continuously used to illustrate the violence that Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters had suffered. The Times of India used @Iannetnl's footage and even went so far as to refer to it as is Israeli Nationals abducted in Hamas style attack.
Nov 09, 2024, 12:26:12 AM |
Amsterdam: Israeli Nationals Abducted In Hamas-Style Attack? Big Update From Israel Govt | Watch
According to Israeli foreign ministry, all Israelis in Amsterdam have been traced after they were believed to have been abducted. The ministry’s situation room and the local Israeli embassy have been working to make contact with all Israelis known to be visiting the city. This after clashes between Israelis and pro-Palestinian soccer fans. Watch. (…)
Richard Sanders: Now, that footage was shot by a local citizen journalist, called Annet de Graaf, who I've spoken to quite a bit over the last few days.
Her footage does not show Israeli fans being attacked at all; in fact, it shows the precise opposite: the mobs of hooded figures we see in that footage are Maccabi Tel Aviv fans. If you look very carefully at Annet's footage, you can see that a number of individuals are wearing blue and yellow, which are the Maccabi colours. The people they are attacking are individual Dutch citizens, and that goes online, actually says no hang on hang on, the footage doesn't show that: it shows the exact opposite.
[Elle écrit exactement sur X :
I am the creator of this video.
1. you are spreading fake news, this is a group of Maccabi supporters starting a fight and beating one Dutch man.
2. delete this content, I didn't gave you permission.
1:55 AM - Nov 8, 2024]
Richard Sanders: She is ignored, she starts having to interact with various news agencies, pleading with them, to change the way they are using her own footage. Firstly Reuters, terribly important, because Reuters provides footage to other news organizations around the world. With the footage, what Reuters distributes as a thing called a dope sheet. This is a basic explanation to their clients of what they're looking at, what this footage is. Now, Annette spoke to Reuters at enormous length, very early in the morning, on the Friday, the day after the violence, and explained to them, gave them chapter and verse, told them exactly what this was. The following evening, they rang back, they clearly went terribly satisfied with this, and quizzed her again, and she was absolutely emphatic, the people committing the violence here are Maccabi Tel Aviv fans.
[iAnnet publia un nouveau post sur X :
“Message to news outlets:
Today I received an apology from Tagesschau for abusing my footage of the incident which took place after the soccer game in Amsterdam between Ajax and M. Tel Aviv. I refer also to the footage of reporter @OmeBender who covered that same fight with more details.
@BILD @CNN @BBCWorld @Guardian @nytimes
I would like you to do the same as Tagesschau. An apology, a removal of my footage and the truth. A few minutes of your precious time.
Write down: Maccabi supporters attacked Amsterdam citizens in front of Central Station after the game.
Journalism is about finding truth. Not about making money on a twist of the script.
It’s time to show some respect to reality. That’s your job.
/dear folks on X: would you be so kind to post all links to framings under this post so I can address more News Outlets?)”
Dernière édition 7:33 p. m. – 9 nov. 2024.]
Richard Sanders: Now, I've obtained a copy of the Reuter's dope sheet for this one; it begins:
REUTERS, STORY: “Clashes broke out outside Amsterdam Central Station in the early hours of Friday November the 8th, in what Israeli authorities said was an attack targeting Israeli citizens.”
Their opening line, despite what Annet has told them, continues to frame it with the Maccabi fans as being the victims here. It then does address what Annet had told them:
“An eyewitness at the scene claims these people are fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv, however Reuters cannot independently verify this claim.”
Now, that is quite extraordinary, she's not an eyewitness at the scene, she is the originator of the material, and she's not guessing, she had been following this mob of hooligans for quarter of an hour, she knows damn well, who they are. So, what they've done here is an absolute classic bit of obfuscation, they've got a bit of footage, that they're distributing to the world's media, which shows Israeli football hooligans attacking Dutch citizens, and they are presenting it to the world's media as “hey, who knows, it could be this, it could be that…”
Even more astonishing example of this totally dishonest obfuscation is Sky News. Annet does a live interview on Sky News, on the Friday evening. She tells me she was absolutely crystal clear about it; she made it very clear to them: what they were looking at was hooliganism by Israeli football fans. The next morning, something very interesting happens: a woman called Alice Porter, a reporter for Sky News, produces a very unusual report; it absolutely stands out from all the other reporting, not because it's an exceptional bit of journalism, it's a bog-standard bit of journalism, it's an accurate description of what had happened in Amsterdam, and within hours it was taken down, and Sky re-edited it and put it up again with a note saying the previous version “did not meet their standards for balance and impartiality” [6:42 PM – Nov 9, 2024]. And the most striking bit is they continue to use Annet's footage. In her original piece, Alice Porter had said:
Alice Porter: “Maccabi fans were seen attacking local pools as a police car can be seen driving by.”By the time, you get to the re-edited version. That script line has become:
Alice Porter: “A video posted on social media shows a large group of hooded men, dressed in black, running down the street, and striking people at random.”Richard Sanders: What has happened there, Sky News, who know perfectly well what this footage shows, and had originally accurately reported it, is now pretending that it doesn't know. Basically to lie to their viewers. And it's rather sad actually to see that Alice Porter was prepared to revoice this, you know, here, you have the one journalist who'd done a bit of honest, competent, professional journalism on the Saturday morning and, by the Sunday, she's clearly been bullied into revoicing it.
Important context here, of course, is that the Sky News presenter Belle Donati…
…rather aggressively interviewed an Israeli representative [Danny Danon], quite early in the war in Gaza, and immediately disappeared from Sky News screens. So, that will be something that would have been hanging over Alice Porter's head, no doubt, but it's rather sad that she did feel prepared to read that new script line.
Sky News presenter Belle Donati resigns after controversial Israel-Hamas Holocaust comparison
Following the incident, Donati's contract was not renewed, and she has not appeared on air since January.
Annet wrote to Reuters, but they declined to change the wording on the dope sheet. Anette wrote to Sky, including an email to the reporter Alice Porter, and they didn't even respond to her.
This misrepresentation of Annet's footage is all the more startling, because there was a second journalist, in the same place, at the same time, who puts the main news organizations to shame. It's a young Dutch boy. He has even more extensive footage than Annet. You can quite clearly see in his footage that these are Maccabi supporters, they have the colours on. You see them arming themselves, you see them rampaging through the streets and then, you actually see them threatening him and telling him to stop filming:
Maccabi hooligan: Put away the camera!This footage was widely available, it was widely viewed. Reuters will have been aware of this, Sky News will have been aware of this, which makes it all the more disgraceful; the fact that they obfuscated what Annet's footage actually showed.
Cameraman: We are media.
Maccabi hooligan: Then stop! >:(
Cameraman: No.
Maccabi hooligan: Why not?
Cameraman: We are media.
Maccabi hooligan: *onverstaanbaar* [incompréhensible] So stop! For you, for your safety.
It's striking that the only two people who actually did their job were Annet de Graaf, a citizen journalist, and a teenage Dutch boy and then, of course, poor Alice Porter for Sky, who immediately paid a price for her honesty.
Maccabi Tel Aviv's supporters have a reputation for racism and political violence. In the past, Maccabi Tel Aviv fans have “attacked anti-Netanyahu protesters with batons and broken bottles”.
In March this year they were filmed beating an Arab man unconscious on the streets of Athens and, on the rare occasions in the past where Maccabi Tel Aviv has signed Arab players, their supporters have actually booed their own players.
Israeli Football Fans Shout 'F*** the Arabs' at Palestinian Player for Maccabi Tel AvivThe last time Maccabi Tel Aviv fans were in Amsterdam, they sang a notorious song about their rivals, which actually refers to raping people:
By Gianluca Mezzofiore Gianluca Mezzofiore
Published 04 August 2014, 10:26 AM BST
“You’re the whores of Arabs / We are ashamed of you / At the end of the day / Gate 5 / We will fuck you / We will fuck you / And then we will drink your blood / In the town’s square we will hang, / Every communist who comes here / We will take your girls / who love to party, / When we rape them, we will shout / Today is death, Hapoel.”What happens in Amsterdam, his large numbers of them turn up, attack locals… [Cf. Left Laser, How Zionist hooligans provoked chaos in Amsterdam, YouTube, 10.11.2024, 9' 45''. Cette vidéo est soumise à une limite d'âge et n'est disponible que sur YouTube]
1. “They threw beer at me, and they spit it at me, in the Damstraat, but it was like a very aggressive, tense over here like…”The Dutch police say they were tearing down Palestinian flags, burning Palestinian flags... They also attacked and destroyed a taxi. Large numbers of them were filmed singing “Let the IDF win and fuck the Arabs”. This is a song which ends with the line:
2. “There was someone who was pulled off the bike, and we walked to there, to just see what happened, and at that point, a glass bottle was thrown at us from the crowd of Maccabi supporters.”
3. “Not only attacking people from Amsterdam, but even throwing metal pipes at the police.”
4. Peter Holla (Politiechef van de Regionale Politie Eenheid Amsterdam):
“Why is there no school in Gaza? because there are no children left”.When they arrived back in Israel, the victims of this supposed pogrom were filmed, once again, singing…
“Let the IDF win and fuck the Arabs. Ole, ole, ole, ole, why is school out in Gaza? There are no children left there” [Oui, leur habitude est de glorifier leurs massacres, de s'en réjouir et de poster leurs obscènes moqueries sur les réseaux sociaux]This is at the end of a year, when upwards of 15,000 Palestinian children have been killed by the Israeli Army in Gaza.
During the game, there is a minute’s silence for the victims of the flooding in Spain. Spain is unpopular in Israel because it's perceived as being sympathetic to the Palestinians and so, they sort of boo and whistle and jeer through the minute’s silence.
Then, after the game, there are clashes between Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters and local Dutch people in the streets of Amsterdam. If you actually look at it carefully, and look at the footage, and read the reports carefully, I have to say as someone who attended English football matches throughout the 1980s, if this was Spurs Arsenal in 1985, this would have been about two column inches on the inside pages of the Evening Standard, I mean, this really wasn't extensive violence, but yet immediately! this is headline news around the world, The Guardian, the BBC, CBS Morning and others actually start a live news feed about it. [Ils titrent tous emportés par le même psittacisme : Israeli football fans attacked in Amsterdam / Des supporters de football israéliens agressés à Amsterdam]
In the early reporting, certainly, no context is provided at all, it's simply presented as mobs of antisemites attacking Israeli football fans.
Ian Collins (Talk TV, British radio and television presenter and journalist and author, UK): “This is a disturbing story, Charlie, Israel condemning what is being described as a Jew hunt…”
Gordon Robertson (CBN News): ISLAMISTS ATTACK ISRAELIS “A horror story out of the Netherlands. Avoid movements in the street and lock yourself in your hotel rooms.”
Kasia Madera (BBC News): Israeli football fans attacked in Amsterdam “The Israeli military says it's preparing to immediately deploy a rescue mission to the Netherlands.”
And what is extraordinary is virtually ALL of the Western world's major political leaders, who have remained virtually silent for a year in the face of massacre after massacre after massacre of children in the Gaza Strip, weigh in condemning the violence…
Alex Phillips (Talk TV): ANTI-ISRAEL ATTACK. 62 Arrests After Fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv Face Abuse in Amsterdam
“And indeed, there's even another unconfirmed report that there could be a hostage situation now taking place…” [Voici Alex Philips le regard égaré d’une professionnelle du racisme et de la mystification télévisés]
Joe Biden: “The Antisemitic attacks on Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam are despicable and echo dark moments in history when Jews were persecuted.
We’ve been in touch with Israeli and Dutch officials and appreciate Dutch authorities’ commitment to holding the perpetrators accountable. [Ce ne sont pas les détentions d'Amstellodamois qui ont manqué !]
We must relentlessly fight Antisemitism, wherever it emerges.”
6:27 PM – Nov 8, 2024
David Lammy [secrétaire d'État aux Affaires étrangères, du Commonwealth et du Développement du Royaume-Uni depuis 2024. Il était horripilé mais pas par les cris des apologistes des enfanticides, on s'en doutait] : “I am horrified by last night’s Antisemitic attacks on Israeli citizens in Amsterdam.
My thoughts are with those injured, their families, and everyone affected.
I utterly condemn these abhorrent acts of violence and stand with Israeli and Jewish people across the world.”
4:55 PM – Nov 8, 2024
Ursula von der Leyen [championne du droit à l'autodéfense des forces hégémoniques]: “Outraged by last night’s vile attacks targeting Israeli citizens in Amsterdam.… and portraying it as a pogrom.
I just spoke with @MinPres Schoof.
I strongly condemn these unacceptable acts.
Antisemitism has absolutely no place in Europe. And we are determined to fight all forms of hatred.” [Toutes ? Qui sème le génocide et sa glorification récolte… quoi au juste, Ursula ? ]
9:47 AM – Nov 8, 2024
There are even ludicrous comparisons of it with Kristallnacht :
SKY NEWS: “Those Jewish people there were remembering Kristallnacht, which was a pogrom that happened before World War II, where Jews were targeted of course. You can understand how upset, how angry, how afraid they are! that this happened in their own country in modern times.” [Tout en citant...]I thought for the Anne Frank Trust and other Holocaust Memorial organizations to come out in defence of people who had marched through the streets of Amsterdam singing ‘Fuck the Arabs’, ‘There are no children in Gaza’, etc., was quite obscene…Anne Frank Trust: “We’re shocked and heartbroken that the city where Anne Frank spent most of her life has been blighted by antisemitic violence. Our thoughts are with all those affected and with @annefrankhouse. We will never stop educating young people to challenge anti-Jewish hatred."Holocaust Memorial Day Trust: “We are deeply alarmed and unequivocally condemn the antisemitic attacks against Jewish football fans in Amsterdam on Thursday evening. These abhorrent acts, which resulted in multiple injuries, are a stark reminder of the ongoing threat faced by Jewish people worlwide, even in public spaces. Occurring on the weekend of the Kristallnacht anniversary, these attacks serve as a grave warning that the fight against antisemitism remains urgent and vital.”
The Bolt Report, Sky News, [gourmet de la vérité et des opinions honnêtes] : BOLT: DISGUSTING ‘JEW HUNT’ IN AMSTERDAMThere is a case study in the misuse of the term anti-Semitism. This must be pretty much the only example in history where gangs of racist football hooligans have found the entirety of the Western media and political establishment leaping to their defence and portraying them as victims. You just have to imagine Russian supporters descending on a town, perhaps full of Ukrainian refugees, in Poland, and marching through the streets singing ‘Fuck the Ukrainians’, celebrating the slaughter of Ukrainian children and then, just imagine how this story would be being covered in Western press.
“The Dutch have been shamed and shocked by a Jew hunt by Muslims in the streets of Amsterdam. I mean, Amsterdam the city where a Jewish girl, Anna Frank, wrote a famous diary while the family hid from the Nazis until they were betrayed and most of them killed.”
[The Bolt, est-il choqué et humilié par la chasse aux Palestiniens menée par les Sionistes sur tous les centimètres carrés de la Bande de Gaza… ou de la Cisjordanie ? Je veux dire, Gaza, ce petit rectangle où une cinquantaine de bébés et d’enfants palestinien.nes assiégé.es et affamé.es, malades et mutilé.es, sont tué.es tous les jours ?]
Stories like this are profoundly discrediting the political and media class. You have to be very careful. The new Labour government, here, in Britain, and governments in other places are talking about cracking down on the internet, and cracking down on what they call disinformation. There is disinformation on the internet, but you have to be very careful that what they're actually worried about is accurate information that they don't want to be out there.
Now, in the game itself, Maccabi Tel Aviv lost 5-0,
The Telegraph [Brendan O’Neill, nommons les noms, 8.11.2024, 2:11pm GMT]:
“Pogroms have returned to Europe, and the ‘anti-racist’ Left are silent”
[Plutôt non, Brendan. Nous sommes là pour dire que tu es beaucoup pire que Tartuffe]
BBC [Paul Kirby, 9.11.2024]:
“We must not turn blind eye to antisemitism, says Dutch king after attacks on Israeli football fans”.
The Sun [Katie Davis, Chief Foreign Reporter (Digital), 6:53, 8 Nov 2024]:
“SHEER TERROR Horror moment Israeli football fans flee anti-Semitic mob in Amsterdam after sick ‘Pogrom’ attack by ‘hit-&-run squads’
Shocking footage showed attacks in the streets” [et c’étaient des hooligans kahanistes couleur jaunisse qui semaient la panique !]
CNN World [7.11.2024]:…but the real losers here are the political and media class of Europe and North America, who —appalling hypocrisy and moral double standards and moral dishonesty— were again exposed. And really, the issue we ought to be wrestling with, in the wake of this, is why on earth clubs which represent a genocidal, apartheid country, clubs whose supporters clearly see football matches as an opportunity to import the thuggery of the Israeli army, and bear in mind many of these Maccabi supporters would be reservists in the Israeli army, they clearly see it as an opportunity to import the thuggery of the Israeli army onto the streets of Europe, why on earth are these clubs still welcome in FIFA and UEFA competitions? Bear in mind, of course, that the Russians have been barred from playing international football ever since they invaded Ukraine, and you do find yourself asking… where is the duty of care? where is the sense of responsibility to their own citizens? Governments and City authorities are prepared to invite these gangs of racist, Islamophobic hooligans onto their streets, and when local people are attacked, it is these foreign hooligans who will be presented as the victims: where is the sense of responsibility, the duty of care to their own citizens and, particularly, their own Muslim citizens? And it does rather raise the question of whether they don't actually really regard them as citizens.
“Amsterdam bans protests for three days following violent attacks on Israeli soccer fans”.
There has never been an example of disinformation quite as crude and as see-through as this one, and once again it shows more than ever the need for independent media, the need for outlets like Double Down News…
(1) Leurs castagnes, sévices, chants et slogans prouvent le côté prédicateur, glorificateur et génocidaire de l’hégémonisme kahaniste-sioniste cette fois en terre de goyim, païenne et non-conquise, et la réaction de certains indigènes à ces outrances intolérables prouve le manque d’attirance, voire la répulsion, que suscite cet hégémonisme barbare chez des gens disposant encore d'un peu de libre arbitre, Yahvé merci.
(2) Cf. pour vos vérifications, Sana Saeed, No, there were no 'antisemitic pogroms' in Amsterdam. Here's what really happened, Mondoweiss, 9.11.2024 : mention spéciale intox pour, mis à part les Israéliens, Joe Biden, Dick Schoof, Ursula von der Leyen, Justin Trudeau, The Anti-Defamation League et son président Jonathan Greenblatt, WSJ, ABC News, Reuters, Newsweek.
James North, ‘NYTimes’ biased coverage of Amsterdam soccer violence attempts to hide Israeli racism (La couverture biaisée du « NYTimes » des violences lors du match de football d’Amsterdam tente de masquer le racisme israélien), Mondoweiss, 10.11.2024.
Left Laser (membre du collectif juif néerlandais antisioniste Erev Rav), How Zionist Hooligans Provoke Chaos in Amsterdam, vidéo, 10.11.2024. Extrait : témoignage de Yuval Gal, Erev Rav :
Mira Oklobdzija, Debunking The Amsterdam "Pogrom". The far right is fanning the flames of conflict,, 12.11.2024.
Owen Jones, Witness To Israeli Hooligan Rampage Exposes How Media LIED About Her Footage, Vidéo (où Owen Jones s'entretient avec l'observatrice directe iAnnet), 12.11.2024.
Mise à jour du 19.11.2024 :
Transcription :
James North, ‘NYTimes’ biased coverage of Amsterdam soccer violence attempts to hide Israeli racism (La couverture biaisée du « NYTimes » des violences lors du match de football d’Amsterdam tente de masquer le racisme israélien), Mondoweiss, 10.11.2024.
Left Laser (membre du collectif juif néerlandais antisioniste Erev Rav), How Zionist Hooligans Provoke Chaos in Amsterdam, vidéo, 10.11.2024. Extrait : témoignage de Yuval Gal, Erev Rav :
“We know Maccabi fans, Maccabi fans already have a reputation, even in Israeli standards. We know many of them are soldiers or ex-soldiers in Gaza right now. I also tried to explain this to the police, I said: look, if somebody just came back from Gaza and just came back from killing a lot of people, you don't expect them to behave normally in your city!”Max Blumenthal et Wyatt Reed, Viral Video Reveals Israeli Hooligans Attacked Dutch Police While Instigating Amsterdam Unrest, The Grayzone, 10.11.2024.
Mira Oklobdzija, Debunking The Amsterdam "Pogrom". The far right is fanning the flames of conflict,, 12.11.2024.
Owen Jones, Witness To Israeli Hooligan Rampage Exposes How Media LIED About Her Footage, Vidéo (où Owen Jones s'entretient avec l'observatrice directe iAnnet), 12.11.2024.
Mise à jour du 19.11.2024 :
NPO, 17.11.2024Femke Haselma, sociologue et criminologue, issue de la gauche verte d’Amsterdam et maire d'Amsterdam, tout cela ensemble, affirme avoir été « contournée » par Israël et revient sur ses propos au sujet du « pogrom ». Elle se rétracte. Encore heureux. Mais… un proche me dit : « Il faut avoir une prédisposition à mordre à ces appâts. Peut-être qu'elle est énervée que le montage ait été si bâclé et qu'elle se soit retrouvée si ouvertement les fesses en l'air. » À vous d'en juger.
Amsterdam Mayor says they were ‘bypassed’ by Israel and walks back ‘pogrom’ comments
Transcription :
— Femke Halsema: “Towards 12:30am approximately, it became clear that something else was going on in the city. Meaning that there were not only groups of [Maccabi] supporters and others against each other, and that there were incidents surrounding it, but that spread throughout the city suddenly -yes, I called it “hit-and-runs”- incidents that were popping up everywhere. I think around 12:30am, it lasted approximately until 2:30am and then it became calm in the city. Only what you then saw is that the image we had, we were totally bypassed by Israel, because at 3am Prime Minister Netanyahu, from Israel, gave a press conference about what had happened in Amsterdam while we were still gathering facts.” [« Ce que vous avez alors vu, c'est que l'image que nous avions, c'est que nous étions totalement dépassés par Israël parce qu'à 3 heures du matin, le Premier ministre Netanyahu, d'Israël, a donné une conférence de presse sur ce qui s'était passé à Amsterdam alors que nous étions encore en train de recueillir des faits. »]Comme il fallait s’y attendre, « Les commentaires de Haselma ont été qualifiés par le ministre israélien des Affaires étrangères Gideon Saar de « totalement inacceptables ». », lit-on dans un article de Rayhan Uddin sur Middle East Eye, qui finit ainsi :
— Journalist: In your press conference, that followed on Friday, you said “I can imagine”, and I quote, “that the events as we saw them evoke memories of pogroms”.
— Femke Halsema: Yes.
— Journalist: Would you use that word again?
— Femke Halsema: Well, first, let me say that the words “Jew hunt” have been used. People were going “Jew hunting”, they asked for passports. That night and early morning, I spoke to many Jewish Amsterdammers on the phone, with a lot of emotions. And what I primarily wanted to express was the sadness and fear among Jewish Amsterdammers. But I have to say that in the days after I saw how the word “pogrom” became very political and turned into propaganda: the Israeli government speaking of a “Palestinian pogrom in the streets of Amsterdam”. In the political class, the word ‘pogrom’ is primarily to discriminate against Moroccan Amsterdammers and Muslims. Those were not my intentions, and that’s not what I wanted…
— Journalist: Let us return to the question: would you have used it again, that word?
— Femke Halsema: No, no. If I had known that it would be used this way, politically and as propaganda, I don’t want anything to do with that. I find that… nobody benefited from this [faux !!! ceux qui ont monté ce coup, N*tanyahu et le Mossad !!! Prestidigitateurs rime ici avec agitateurs]. I never made a direct comparison but said that I could understand the feelings and I wanted to express sadness. But I am not an instrument in a national and international political battle.
« La semaine dernière, Nora Achahbar, une ministre néerlandaise d’origine marocaine, a démissionné du gouvernement en raison de propos racistes qu’elle aurait entendus de la part de ses collègues du cabinet au sujet des événements d’Amsterdam. La coalition néerlandaise, dominée par le Parti pour la Liberté (sic en néerlandais : Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV] d’extrême droite de [Geert] W*lders, a failli s’effondrer après sa démission, mais a survécu à une réunion d’urgence. »